Shiploader Upgrade and Modifications
CLIENT : SA Sugar Terminal
LOCATION : Durban, South Africa
Services Provided:
- Conceptual Options Study and Estimations
- Detail Design and Construction Supervision
- Mechanical
- Structural
- Electrical
- Control & Instrumentation
Project Scope:
Detail design and construction supervision of the modification and reconfiguration of two existing ship loaders to suit a revised wharf layout. The 850 tph shiploaders were originally designed to feed onto 35 000t Handymax vessels, but with upgrades at the port, to allow for a deeper draft the revised design allowed for the loading of 80 000t Panamax vesselsFeatures:
- The upgrade consisted of partial removal of the existing legs of the structure and the installation of new bogies and an advanced 33t substructure with a 14 m wheel base between the landside and seaside legs that gave the shiploader an increased vertical lift of 1,32 m and a horizontal seaward shift of 4 m
- A rear 4 m extension allowed for an extended feed conveyor and cable reeling drum to interface with existing equipment.
- The replacement of two 9t ballast boxes with new 21,4t ballast boxes, to ensure there continued stability under all load and wind conditions.
- A new Motor Control Centre (MCC) panel incorporating variable speed drives for the new bogies which was linked to the existing MCC panel; a new support platform was installed and the original timber flooring was replaced with a grating and chequer plate structure.
Project Value : R25m
Appointment Date : February 2015
Completion : July 2017
Category: Ports & Terminals