Urban Developments

HomeSectorsUrban Developments

We have a long and successful history in urban developments, adding value to our client base that stretches throughout South Africa and into Africa.  Successful urban development projects include large mixed-use greenfield developments (up to 2000ha), new town centres (CBD’s), upmarket housing and retirement estates, industrial and warehousing developments, affordable housing villages and low income subsidised housing.

Our services  cover the full spectrum of the development cycle.  We have an in-depth knowledge of development establishment processes, ensuring seamless integration with the development teams.

We have special technical skills in all elements of development services, including earthworks, roads, water, sewer, electricity, streetlighting, stormwater and communications, ensuring an integrated ‘one-stop shop’ for developers.  The services can also include the top structures (see ‘Buildings’).

Sustainable developments are high on our agenda by having considerable exposure to the latest in renewable energy, options to minimise energy use, the re-use of water coupled with advanced sanitation options, permaculture concepts and harvesting and storing of rainwater amongst other initiatives.  We also promote the ‘smart city’ concept.

In-house water resource specialists ensure that sensitive wetland and rivers are protected by application of rigorous stormwater controls based on sustainable urban drainage (SUDs) principles.

Our Capabilities:

  • Engineering input to the developer’s professional team to optimize township layouts and secure provision of bulk services via services agreements with service providers;
  • Undertake feasibility stage costing and if required perform financial viability assessments and assist in raising development funding via Bosch Capital;
  • Work with developer’s team and other BEP’s to obtain environmental and planning approvals;
  • Design and plan all infrastructure services and top structures to incorporate sustainability, including ‘smart city’ elements;
  • Procurement and construction administration; and
  • Project management.

Major Achievements:

  • Fumba Town – a new 60ha fully sustainable urban development in Zanzibar, yielding some 2000 residential opportunities and 250 000m2of commercial and mixed-use space;
  • Bridge City Town Centre – a new 43ha CBD encompassing a rail station and commercial areas, hospital, magistrates court and mixed-use areas;
  • Ntshongweni Urban Development – a 2000ha mixed-use development incorporating sustainable and smart city concepts;
  • Mount Edgecombe Retirement Village – a 260 unit village, including integrating all the top-structure designs with the earthworks, retaining walls and infrastructure;
  • Brettenwood Estate – a 100ha upmarket development providing some 600 residential opportunities;
  • Royal Palm Estates – 600ha residential and mixed-use development, including bulk services for water, sanitation and stormwater attenuation dams;
  • Bridge City Business Estate – a 13ha light industrial estate adjacent to the Bridge City Town Centre;
  • Wells Estate – infrastructure to a 1750 unit low income development;
  • Manor Estate – a 350 unit middle income residential estate;
  • Hawaan Forest Estate – 25 unit high income residential estate, with rigorous stormwater controls using ground-breaking SUDS principles;
  • Siyembezi Housing – 1000 unit low income housing development;
  • Enzwelinisha Housing – 2000 unit low income peri urban housing development; and
  • Darnall Village Upgrade – upgrade of all services to municipal standards for 650 unit existing village.

Gary Hughes hughesg@boschholdings.co.za