Specialist utility management services ensure a better life for all

Publication: First Africa Guide – 19 October 2021
Bosch Munitech provides specialist utility services, which include underground utility detection, 3D laser scanning and leak detection.
“The company’s professional, solutions-driven team works closely with clients to balance sustainable and technical requirements, in both the private and public sectors,” says Keshan Moodley, Director, Bosch Munitech.
The company’s Underground Utility Detection (UUD) division offers advanced detection and mapping services, that are essential for providing accurate information of underground infrastructure.
UUD – which requires expert skills, using non-intrusive methods to locate the exact type, size, position and depth of buried utilities – is critical in reducing risk and ensuring efficiency and safety in every excavation or construction project.
These services are custom-designed to suit the specific underground detection requirements for consulting engineers, environmental specialists, construction and mining companies, municipalities, petroleum and industrial plants.
The Bosch Munitech team uses advanced equipment, including electromagnetic locators, ground penetrating radars and sonde equipment, to locate buried services. These comprise water pipes, storm water and sewerage drains, as well as electrical, telecommunications and fibre optic cables.
Key benefits of utility detection include accurate utility drawings for design purposes, less damage caused to essential services during excavation, reduction of costs caused by services damage, re-designs and interruptions and a safer working environment for field staff.
Bosch Munitech also offers 3D laser scanning and 3D modelling technology, to enhance engineering projects. The company has made a substantial investment in laser scanning that uses the latest technology for detailed measurement purposes, to create topographic maps, meshes, point clouds or drawings, based on the real-world.
The highly skilled team utilises the scanner to provide quick, accurate and relevant data.
Clients are able to view 3D-illustrations virtually and problems can be identified before construction commences, without having to physically visit the site, which is an advantage during the Covid-19 pandemic. Parts and equipment can be easily changed and moved around, eliminating the need for incurring labour costs.
Bosch Munitech’s specialist leak detection services and the repair of aging infrastructure, have become increasingly important as the country faces growing pressure on water resources.
Managing a leak, from detection through the repair process, to quality control of the repair, are key to a successful water loss management programme. Careful planning of leak detection sweeps and accurate management of field data resulting from these sweeps, are also crucial.
The location of underground leaks is an exacting process, which requires professionally trained, motivated and well-equipped staff to execute each task effectively.
The Bosch Munitech team consults with municipalities and the public and private sectors throughout southern Africa, to enhance the efficiencies of essential utilities for urban and rural communities.
Bosch Munitech forms part of the Bosch Holdings group of multi-disciplinary consulting engineering companies, which celebrates 60 years of business this year.