
HomeProjectsSugar EquipmentLasa – Lago Azul Distillery, Brazil

  • Bosch Holdings
  • Bosch Holdings
  • Bosch Holdings

Lasa – Lago Azul Distillery, Brazil

PROJECT NAME: Industrial Management

CLIENT: Lasa – Lago Azul SA Distillery

LOCATION: Estate of Goiás – Brazil

TYPE OF CONTRACT: Operations Management

Services Provided

  • General Management of Sugar Mill Operations & Maintenance;
  • Preparation of financial and production budget estimates;
  • Management of Departmental activities; and
  • Liaison with all funding agency representatives

Project scope

Bosch Engenharia was appointed to execute the operational and maintenance management of LASA’s Distillery, while the factory was going through a rehabilitation process the crushing rate was 300TCP. The aim was to increase industrial efficiency and provide improvements allowing ethanol and the milling process production to increase and reach 700 TCP.

Bosch Engenharia studied the fabrication process and proposed improvements, using the Bosch Projects long tube evaporator which would increase the juice brix concentration.
